Docker Blog

Adventures in GELF

If you are running apps in containers and are using Docker’s GELF logging driver (or are considering using it), the following musings might be relevant to your interests. Some context When you run applications in containers, the easiest logging method is to write on...

CPU Management in Docker 1.13

Resource management for containers is a huge requirement for production users. Being able to run multiple containers on a single host and ensure that one container does not starve the others in terms of cpu, memory, io, or networking in an efficient way is why I like...

Introducing Docker 1.13

Today we’re releasing Docker 1.13 with lots of new features, improvements and fixes to help Docker users with New Year’s resolutions to build more and better container apps. Docker 1.13 builds on and improves Docker swarm mode introduced in Docker 1.12 and has lots of...

Docker for Windows Server and Image2Docker

In December we had a live webinar focused on Windows Server Docker containers. We covered a lot of ground and we had some great feedback - thanks to all the folks who joined us. This is a brief recap of the session, which also gives answers to the questions we didn’t...

Understanding Docker Networking Drivers and their use cases

Applications requirements and networking environments are diverse and sometimes opposing forces. In between applications and the network sits Docker networking, affectionately called the Container Network Model or CNM. It’s CNM that brokers connectivity for your...

Learn Docker with More Hands-On Labs

Docker Labs is a rich resource for technical folks from any background to learn Docker. Since the last update on the Docker Blog, three new labs have been published covering Ruby, SQL Server and running a Registry on Windows. The self-paced, hands-on...

Build and run your first Docker Windows Server container

Today, Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows Server 2016, and with it, Docker engine running containers natively on Windows. This blog post describes how to get setup to run Docker Windows Containers on Windows 10 or using a Windows Server 2016 VM....