New Vulnerability Scanning, Collab and Support Enhance Docker Pro and Team Subscriptions

Last March, we laid out our commitment to focus on developer experiences to help build, share, and run applications with confidence and efficiency. In the past few months we have delivered new features for the entire Docker platform that have built on the tooling and collaboration experiences to improve the development and app delivery process.

During this time, we have also learned a lot from our users about ways Docker can help improve developer confidence in delivering apps for more complicated use cases and how we can help   larger teams improve their ability to deliver apps in a secure and repeatable manner. Over the next few weeks, you will see a number of new features delivered to Docker subscribers at the free, Pro and Team level that deliver on that vision for our customers. 

Today, I’m excited to announce the first set of features: vulnerability scanning in Docker Hub for Pro and Team subscribers. This new release enables individual and team users to automatically monitor, identify and ultimately resolve security issues in their applications. We will also preview Desktop features that will rollout over the next several months.   

Moby and friends

We’ve heard in numerous interviews with team managers that developer velocity is critical, that automation enables this and that images going into production have to be secure. Last month we launched Docker local image scans as preview in Desktop Edge and today we are releasing vulnerability scanning in Docker Hub. Starting now each time that you push images into Docker Hub, a vulnerability scan will run automatically using the same underlying tooling as our Docker Scan CLI. Once the scan is complete, you can review the scan results in your Docker Hub dashboard. Look out for a deeper dive into the Hub image scanning in the coming days.  

Improved Collaboration and Control

We are also thrilled to start talking to you about Docker’s plans for Docker Desktop and how we are going to add unique improvements for Desktop for Pro and Team users. Starting in November Pro and Team users of Desktop will get additional features and benefits designed to meet the unique needs of teams and of complex use cases, on top of the core features in the free edition. The first feature will provide visibility of Docker Hub scan results directly within the Docker Dashboard for all of your Hub images. In the coming months we will enable users of Docker Context to store and share your contexts with your team from the Desktop via Docker Hub, allowing development teams to collaborate with the same set of contextual details for shared remoted instances. 

For enterprises who want more control over their version of Desktop and don’t want to keep dismissing updates, we will be providing the ability to ‘ignore’ updates in Desktop until you choose to install the new version. Additionally, we allow for centralized deployment and management of Docker Desktop teams at scale through revised licensing terms for Docker Teams. This will allow larger deployments of Docker Desktop to be rolled out automatically rather than relying on individuals to install it on their own.

Finally, we will also extend the Docker enhanced customer support to include Docker Desktop as well as Docker Hub. Docker Pro and Team subscribers will be assured of consistent support from Docker across all offerings in their subscriptions as they build, share and run their containerized applications. 

We will continue to add more Pro and Team features across the entire Docker platform to make developers’ and teams’ lives easier over the coming months.  And of course, we will continue to improve and enhance our core, free offerings. 

 To test Hub scanning today, sign up for a Pro Docker account.   Or,  try the experience locally and run docker scan on your Desktop CLI. If you are interested in Docker Desktop, and what the future holds, then keep an eye on our product roadmap.  If you have questions about deployment licensing or support, please reach out to us.


More info on Docker Subscriptions for Pros and Teams