docker desktop release

Docker Desktop 4.29: Docker Socket Mount Permissions in ECI, Advanced Error Management, Moby 26, and New Beta Features 

Docker Desktop 4.29 introduces enhancements to secure and streamline the development process and to improve error management and workflow efficiency. With the integration of Enhanced Container Isolation (ECI) with Docker socket mount permissions, the debut of Moby 26 within Docker Desktop, and exciting features such as Docker Compose enhancements via synchronized file shares reaching Beta, we’re equipping developers with the essential resources to tackle the complexities of modern development head-on.

Docker Desktop 4.25: Enhancements to Docker Desktop on Windows, Rosetta for Linux GA, and New Docker Scout Image Analysis Settings

The Docker Desktop 4.25 release supports the GA of Rosetta for Linux, a feature that furthers the speed and productivity that Docker Desktop brings. We’ve also optimized the installation experience on Windows and simplified Docker Scout image analysis settings in this latest Docker Desktop release.