Docker’s Next Chapter: Our First Year

2020 has been quite the year. Pandemic, lockdowns, virtual conferences and back-to-back Zoom meetings. Global economic pressures, confinement and webcams aside, we at Docker have been focused on delivering what we set out to do when we announced Docker’s Next Chapter:...

August Recap: Docker Talks Live Stream

It’s time for a round up of Docker Talks, this time from the month of August. As you may remember, Chad Metcalf (@metcalfc) and I (@pmckee) started the weekly live-streaming video series to connect with you, our extended family of developers, and to help you succeed...

How to Use the NGINX Docker Official Image

NGINX is one of the most popular web servers in the world. Not only is NGINX a fast and reliable static web server, it is also used by a ton of developers as a reverse-proxy that sits in front of their APIs. In this tutorial we will take a look at the NGINX Official...