How to Use Testcontainers on Jenkins CI

How to Use Testcontainers on Jenkins CI

Releasing software often and with confidence relies on a strong continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) process that includes the ability to automate tests. Jenkins offers an open source automation server that facilitates such release of software...
Streamline Dockerization with Docker Init GA

Streamline Dockerization with Docker Init GA

In May 2023, Docker announced the beta release of docker init, a new command-line interface (CLI) tool in Docker Desktop designed to streamline the Docker setup process for various types of applications and help users containerize their existing projects. We’re...
Scaling Docker Compose Up

Scaling Docker Compose Up

Docker Compose’s simplicity — just run compose up — has been an integral part of developer workflows for a decade, with the first commit occurring in 2013, back when it was called Plum. Although the feature set has grown dramatically in that time, maintaining...